June 9, 2008
Connexion Bizarre
** Kinetik Swag **

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Download set by right-clicking here for mp3 and then selecting "Save target as" on a PC, or "Download link to disk" on a MAC.

This Morn' Omina - Ma/i/nomai (CCF)
[V/A Kinetik Festival: Volume One - ArtofFact Records]
Tuo - The Mover & The Shaker of the World
[V/A Wake Up: Get Out of My Fucking House - Bugs Crawling Out of People]
Mono No Aware - Ta'amulâ
[V/A Kinetik Festival: Volume One - ArtofFact Records]
Edgey - My Tactic - Vengeance
[Edgey vs Depth Error: The Abuse Technique - Hive Records]
Worms of the Earth - The Whore
[The Angels of Prostitution - Bugs Crawling Out of People]
Freeze Etch - Soarover
[Vessels - Force of Nature]
Empusae - Undead Soil
[The Hatred of Trees - Hands Productions]
Ad·ver·sary - Friends of Father (Tonikom remix)
[Bone Music - Tympanik]
Twinkle - Joue Avec Moi
[Le Jouet - Ant-Zen Records]
Memmaker - Insomnia
[How To Enlist in a Robot Uprising - Hive Records]
Famine - Idle Flattery
[Every Mirror Turns Black - Bugs Crawling Out of People]
Autoclav1.1 - By My Own Admission (C Drone Defect)

[Broken Beats for Broken Hearts - Hive Records]

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