L’ame Immortelle - Zwielicht [The Remixes]

A stranger to L’ame Immortelle, I had no expectations of this CD. Assuming it would be “gothy”, I imagined that I wouldn’t like it much, as I’ve grown out of the goth sound. What I did find on “Zwielicht [The Remixes]” surprised me, and I’m quite fond of the CD.

Keeping with my fondness for female vocals, the tracks with female vocals stand out to me. I find the male vocals here to be a bit too harsh, or something, and not to my liking. Although, harsh isn’t the right word, as I like harsh music. His vocals are just not fitting to the music (in my mind) and take away from the flow of the CD… or maybe it’s just his singing “…You’re just a slut with no honour and no pride, You’re just a slut… and you’ve thrown your life away…” that gets to me and turns me off.

There are a few noisy remixes, courtesy of MS Gentur and Sonar. Very well done, for those craving a bit of the harsher sound on this disc.

I, however, have yet to get the second CD to work. Perhaps I don’t have the right plugins to view the videos, or the CD is defective in some way. I’m not sure, and haven’t had time to research it yet.

Edit: Since first writing this, I’ve been informed that the second CD is a DVD. Hence, why it does not work in my computer. I’ve looked over the CD again, and have yet to find where it says “DVD” on it. Maybe I’m blind, maybe I’m an idiot, but labelling the CD a DVD would be helpful. And since I don’t have a DVD player, I am unable to watch it.

-- September 2003


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