Massiv In Mensch - Die Rein

I like Massiv In Mensch. The now popular dynamic of male and female vocals appeals to me, as I always enjoying seeing women in music. Despite not having any idea what they are saying, I like listening to them. As with all music I don't understand, I have to just hope they aren't screaming things I won't agree with. I suppose, if I was dedicated to only listening to musicians I definitely know have the same ideals as me, I would go out and get the albums translated, but damn, if I like the music, my motivation to have it ruined isn't strong. (This being said, if I did find out something horrible about a band I like, I might reconsider listening to them, depending on the horribleness of the lyrics, event, etc.)

Their newest album, Die Rein, provides us with a contrast to their previous work Belastendes Material by having very little vocals. This album is intended for club play (if it wasn't for the gaps between tracks, it could just be one long song...) featuring techno tracks with a trancey feel to them. I've been trying to come up with a word to describe music that falls between trance, EBM and industrial... I suppose I should just settle on calling it techno. It's a techno album.

It's great to bounce to. I find music like this wonderful for motivating me to exercise. Just picture it: me, hopping around my room to happy, bouncy techno music. No, not something I do often. Nor is this something I will often admit to doing. Let this be the last we hear of it.

-- June 2002


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