
Winterkälte - Disturbance

Rating: B

Winterkälte is back with the highly anticipated 4th full length release (well 3rd that has widespread distribution), Disturbance. But does a band with such a following live up to the expectations of its fans? It depends on how you look at it.

Yes, it's pretty much the same old Winterkälte, it's still there, the hard beats and the rhythms of static ricocheting through your speakers and the feeling inside you to stomp around. Despite how good this sounds it may be a problem for those who are familiar with Winterkälte's sound. While the songs sound good, some of it kind of has a "I've heard this before", effect. "Nuclear Free North America" has a similar feel to "Structure 04" and "Eco Lateral Damage" is somewhat reminiscent of about 60% into "Do Not Vote for Industry!" (Both of which appear on Drum 'N' Noise).

This may sound negative but it is not as bad as one would think. It seems that while yes some of it has some familiar sounding rhythms, Disturbance on a whole seems like it expands on the Winterkälte sound. The songs just sound like they have more going on than in some of the previous albums (which though great could be slightly repetitive at times). So in a nutshell, Winterkälte does what they did before just slightly better. You will know what I mean when you hear the rapid pounding of "Eco Lateral Damage" as walls of static scream at you. However, if you still cannot get into it, the best song on the disc "Act Global" follows, which will likely lure you in with its laser-like layers and metal clanking.

If you have not checked out Winterkälte before, this might be a good place to start because it has the feel of the previous albums but with a little more going on (and Disturbance is easily recognizable by its nifty fuzzy packaging). It is recommended to check out some of the older work because there are some classics that must be heard. If you are a fan of Winterkälte already, it might be best to check it out before purchase.

- Kyle Duffield (January 2005)


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